Meyer Lemon Curd Bars

So what do you make with Meyer Lemon Curd?  Why Meyer Lemon Curd Bars, of course!

Meyer Lemon Curd Bars | Bakewell Junction - sweet and tart deliciousness.

Meyer Lemon Curd Bars | Bakewell Junction

My hubby had been bugging me about the curd.  What are you going to do with the curd?  When are you going to do something with the curd?  And, so on.

I had seen recipes with lemon curd bars using a short bread crust and I have a shortbread recipe that I already like so, I paired that with the curd.  I loved the results.  The hubby still thought the curd was too tart.  I don’t really understand since he adds lemon juice to his fish – oh well.

Meyer Lemon Curd Bars | Bakewell Junction - sweet and tart deliciousness.On another note…  Has anyone had warmer weather lately?  Last week gave us the coldest day yet.  Tuesday started at -13 outside my house and -16 at the park and ride.  Yes, those are minus signs in front of those numbers.  I find that I always feel colder if it’s windy even if the wind chill isn’t as cold as those actual temp numbers above.  We’re getting another few inches of snow today but the weather man says it will be getting warmer this coming week, so hopefully there will be some melting.

Meyer Lemon Curd Bars | Bakewell Junction - sweet and tart deliciousness.


Meyer Lemon Curd Bars

Yield:  16 bars                  Cook Time:  17 minutes


  • 8 tablespoons (1.5 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature or softened
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • dash salt
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup Meyer Lemon Curd (about 1/2 the recipe)
  • Powdered sugar for dusting

Step 1:  In a large bowl, combine the butter and sugar and mix with an electric mixer.  Add vanilla to the butter mixture.  In another bowl, combine flour and salt.  Add flour mixture to the butter mixture.  Mix on low until dough begins to form.

Step 2:  Line an 8 by 8 inch baking pan with aluminum foil (some of the foil should overlap the rim; you’ll use it to remove the bars) and spray with cooking spray.  Transfer the dough into the baking pan and press evenly into the bottom of the pan.  Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 17 to 22 minutes.  The shortbread is done when it’s golden brown around the edges and lightly golden in the middle.

Step 3:  Remove the pan from the oven and let cool 10 minutes.  Use the aluminum foil to lift the bars out of the pan.  As the bars cool spread the Meyer Lemon Curd evenly across the shortbread.  Let cool completely.

Step 4:  Slice into 2 by 2 inch squares.  Sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar.  Try not to eat them all at once.

Tips:  Keeps in a sealed plastic container for a week.


Shortbread adapted from Ina Garten’s The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook recipe on Food Network.  A variation of Eli Zabar’s shortbread cookies.

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56 thoughts on “Meyer Lemon Curd Bars

  1. These look really good. I love a good lemon bar. Thank you for tossing your hat into the ring at the Party Under The Big Top! I hope to see you again next week!

  2. Wow, these look amazing! Lemon always reminds me of spring and I’m hoping it will be here soon. Thanks so much for linking up at Wordless Wednesday!

  3. I think that we are turning the corner here in Maine! It is supposed to be 45 today! Of course…tomorrow it will be in the 20’s again. But after the many weeks of below zero temps, the 20’s feel like spring weather! These bars look absolutely amazing and my mouth is watering right now…I might have everything I need to make them today! Yay!

  4. “Lemon curds are too tart” made me laugh. Lemon bars are a good treat on a cold day with a cup of hot chocolate. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Mmmm… these look and sound delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with Roses of Inspiration – I hope you join us again next week 🙂

    Hugs to you!

  6. I love anything lemon and this fits the bill! Your photos are making my mouth water. Stopping by from the Bajan Texan… would love for you to stop by my baking blog to say hello 🙂 x

  7. They look delicious and I love lemon – Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board.

  8. Mmm! I love anything with lemon! My neighbor gave me a jar of Lemon Curd awhile ago to make scones (she’s from England) and she even gave me some pans. I have yet to make them, maybe I’ll try these first! Visiting from Evolution of Mom’s link party!

  9. These Lemon Curd Bars sound YUMMY! I’ll have to “attempt” to bake them in my own oven. I’m so sorry to hear about the horribly cold weather and winter you have had. Please do not hate me but I live in sunny Arizona but have survived several -30 below winters in the Midwest! Don’t worry though I’ll be wishing I was anywhere but here in a few months when our temperatures are hitting 120 degrees! I am hoping that Spring arrives rather quickly for all of you that have had such a freezing cold winter!

    I’m so thrilled that you stopped by the #BigTopBlogParty this week and want to thank you for linking up with us as well! I sure hope you’ll stop by again for the next Party Under the Big Top… As a reminder, we go LIVE every Tuesday morning at 12:00 a.m. EST!

    Wishing you a fabulous week!

    Much love,

    Lysa xx
    Welcome to My Circus

  10. These sound delicious, I love all things lemon! Thanks for sharing at What’d You Do This Weekend? I hope you will join us again this Monday morning!

  11. I love lemon desserts and so does my dad! I will have to try these and surprise him with a little treat! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty! I hope to see you there next Friday with another awesome post! 🙂

  12. Your bars remind me of a sunny spring morning. Thanks for including your recipe at Foodie Friday and EE.

  13. I’ve never had a Meyer lemon…. I know, I live under a rock, right? LOL Thanks so much for sharing on the (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog Hop. I look forward to seeing what you will share next.

  14. Your Lemon Curd Bars are just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  15. Yum! These sound delish! I’m in AZ, so yes, we are having beautiful 80 degree weather. We have a Meyer Lemon and a Lisbon Lemon in our yard — so much fun picking our own citrus. I’ve made lemon bars many times, but I’ve never before been able to use lemons from my own trees. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  16. Pingback: 10 Luscious Lemon Recipes - Sand and Sisal

  17. One of my favorite treats! I have never made them with curd before. Can’t wait to tryit! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. Lemon is such a great flavor!! Yummy!! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday – Link Party!! Hope you come back tomorrow and share some more…I love having you!! Pinned!!

  19. I love lemon. Your Meyer Lemon Curd Bars are amazing. So delicious! Thank you very much for joining in the celebration of #purebloglove, we enjoy having you each week. I hope to see you on Thursday at 8PM, EST through Sunday night. ~Cydnee

  20. These look so yummy! Would you mind sending me some lol! No one in my family eats things lemon flavored..but I love it! Thanks for linking up at Totally Terrific Tuesday! Pinned and shared!!

  21. These really sound delicious, though I would have no idea where to find that Meyer lemon curd. I have never heard of that before.
    I would love for you to stop by and share this on my weekly Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky.

  22. My husband’s like that too – “when are you going to do something with that?” I’m liking what you did with the lemon bars though. 🙂

    Hope you warm up a bit! Thanks for stopping by and sharing this recipe with us – you’re featured this week on Five Friday Finds! I’m looking forward to what you share this week. 🙂

  23. Pingback: Cool Layer Cakes Giveaway - Foodie Friday - Casa Costello

  24. These look wonderful and a great use for lemon curd. I love the tartness of lemon, I may have to give these a go as I’ve a stash of lemon curd that needs using up. This has been featured as one of my favourites over at Sweet and Savoury Sunday. Stop by, grab a button and link up again with us this week. Have a great day!

  25. Pingback: Sweet and Savoury Sundays #104 | Baking in Pyjamas

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